Drop us a note and we will send you a quote!

starting a brewery

We would be happy to send you a quote and highlight information on our website that you will find helpful in planning out your brewery. Please complete the form below, and in the 'Message' section provide us with answers to the following four questions:

  1. What size of system you want and how many additional fermenters. If you have NOT decided this yet, please indicate approximately how many pints/day you would like to be able to sell and/or how many seats you will or think you will have in your brewpub — this gives us an indication of what equipment you will need.
  2. In the first 5 years of operation, do you plan to mostly focus on in-house sales (ie. pints and growlers) or on distribution accounts? 
  3. Where will your brewery be located (postal or zip code is enough if you haven't chosen a place yet)? This is mostly to help determine freight cost but might be relevant for a few other items as well.

This only need to be answered if you have your building already:

4. What is the ceiling height directly above the area where you will be brewing?

And that's it! We will assemble a quote and supporting information to help you with your planning and email you back within 24 hours (check your spam folder if you don't see a reply in your inbox).