Benefits of the BREWHA BIAC brewing system

The BIAC (Brew In A Conical) complete brewing system makes brewing simpler, easier and more enjoyable.

brewha biac brewing system

Some of the benefits of this system include:

  1. Perfect sanitation every time—good sanitation (keeping unwanted microbes out) is the single most critical factor for producing great beer. With the BIAC conical fermentor doubling as a boil kettle, the heat of the boil will provide perfect, easy to achieve, chemical-free, heat sanitation every time. Chemical cleaners and sanitizers are not needed as they are with other brewing systems, saving time and money, and giving you peace of mind that your beer will taste its best (and customers aren't getting poisoned)
  2. Smallest brewing footprint of any brewing system—for almost every business, space is always a constraint. With the BREWHA system mashing of grain occurs directly in the fermenter, removing the need for a separate hot liquor kettle, mash tun and boil kettle, providing a brewhouse space savings of about 75%. See the brewery drawings on this page to get an idea of how small a space the commercial system can fit in (this brewery has six 5BBL 6HL conical fermenter tanks with heaters).
  3. Lowest water consumption—around the world, freshwater is in short supply and most municipalities are increasingly restrictive about water usage. While traditional brew systems use approximately 6 pints of water for every pint of beer produced, the BREWHA BIAC complete brewing system needs less than 2 making it have the lowest water demand of any brewing system and ensuring you save money, help the planet, and keep local bureaucrats happy; with the heat of the boil sanitizing the system, the extensive chemical scrubbing, cleaning, rinsing and sanitizing that wastes all that water is no longer needed
  4. Scaleable—with complete beer brewing systems ranging from 30L/8gal to 1070L/280gal, recipes developed in the small pilot systems can be easily adapted/scaled up to commercial microbrewery production using the same brewing methods and techniques 
  5. Expandable—if more fermentation capacity is needed, simply add another BIAC conical fermentor including heating element(s) and ETC temperature controller —the Mash Colander can be used with each one to produce more beer directly in the fermentor
  6. Economical—even though it is made with highest quality materials, since there are less vessels, less supporting hardware and less installation expenses, it costs only 70% of a full, traditional 4 vessel system (and only a fraction of a custom fabricated brewery; see this link to learn how BREWHA fermentors also save you money over time)
  7. Shorter brew day and lower labor costs—with less vessels to setup and cleanup, and less steps in the brewing process (e.g. transferring water/wort) a batch of beer takes up to 25% less time to produce
  8. Flexibility—can produce all types of beer as the brewer has near infinite control over the brewing process (can also be used for producing wine and even spirits with the optional Condensing Assembly)
  9. Full control—with temperature sensors and automated valves, there is maximum control over every detail in the brewing process
  10. Small storage footprint—since there is no fixed brewing platform, the brewery takes up to 50% less space, and since high quality casters are included standard with all fermenters, when not brewing, the fermenters can be moved out of the way allowing even small commercial spaces to become highly productive breweries
  11. Faster cleanup—unlike chemical sanitizers which are necessary with other brewing systems but only sanitize surfaces (if sediment is not completely removed contamination can result from bacteria hiding beneath the surface), the heat of the boil sanitizes right through any missed sediment. So a good physical cleanup (removal of sediment) is all that is necessary—no chemical cleaners necessary; and less vessels means less cleanup
  12. Fully electric—faster, quieter, more precise, cheaper to install than gas-fired systems and allows for indoor brewing
  13. Fully safety certified—temperature and power controllers are CSA inspected and certified (UL recognized) complying with electrical safety laws throughout the US and Canada
  14. Easy temperature regulating during fermentation—the built-in jacket on the fermenter and the Temperature Control Valve (or Water Chiller) allows for easy temperature regulation during fermentation
  15. Most sanitary chilling of wort—the built-in jacket on the fermenter also allows for the easiest and most sanitary chilling of wort, wort is chilled in the same vessel it was boiled in; no hoses or plates or coils that might habor microbes need to be used
  16. Full temperature control for all batch sizes—since the jacket covers 100% of the inside wall, even small batches can be temperature controlled unlike some systems which use an internal coil that might not reach low enough for smaller batches
  17. Full mashing capability—the solid stainless steel walls of the Mash Colander allow for fly sparging and a proper filter bed to form giving providing perfect clarity in your wort
  18. Risk of oxidation and microbial contamination is almost completely eliminated—by having capacity for heating, chilling and fermenting built right into the fermenter there is less movement of wort/beer that can facilitate harmful oxidation and less hardware used that can introduce microbes.
  19. Easy trub removal—the conical bottom allows for easy removal of trub (protein, yeast and other solids) from your fermenter either prior to fermentation, during, or after fermentation is complete
  20. Full temperature control—a ferrule (port) in the vessel allows for insertion of temperature sensing probes and complete temperature monitoring for best tasting beer and consistent results; our ETC controller maintains temperature within 1°F of target
  21. Easy racking (transferring) of beer—a second port in the lid allows for pressurizing the fermenter when racking to a keg to overcome any height differences (keg above the fermenter won't fill just with gravity) and ensure your beer is not exposed to oxygen (maximum pressure in 'Homebrewery' fermenter is 3psi in vessel and 5psi in jacket; 14.9psi in vessel and 7psi in jacket of 'Microbrewery' fermenter)
  22. Full inside access—the large diameter lid provides full and easy access to your vessel for easy and thorough inspection/cleaning after fermentation
  23. Heavy duty stainless steel construction—will hold resale value and provide a lifetime of brewing enjoyment
  24. Easy to move—Heavy duty wheel casters make moving the fermenter easy; very useful if space needs to be multi-purposed
  25. Detachable heating element cords—so the cords won't be a tripping hazard when not in use
  26. Highest quality sanitary fittings and Non-retention ball valves—super easy to disassemble, clean and reassemble for cleaning (no wrenches are necessary)
  27. No threaded or weld-free or bulkhead fitting—they can leak and are difficult to disassemble and clean
  28. Convenience—the BREWHA BIAC package has all the equipment you need to begin brewing. And it fits neatly away when not in use
  29. Patent protection—since our brewing system is fully patent protected, as a customer, you can rest assured that you won't be sued for patent infringement, or lose product support
  30. Enjoyment—all these benefits make brewing an extremely enjoyable and rewarding process and help you to produce the highest quality beers
How is the Homebrewery BIAC different from the Microbrewery BIAC (and what is included)? 
Video: Benefits of the Microbrewery BIAC for craft breweries 
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