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1.5BBL 1.8HL Beer Brewing System

1.5BBL 1.8HL Beer Brewing System

Regular price USD 19,858.72
Regular price Sale price USD 19,858.72
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1.5BBL 1.8HL Craft brewery complete brewing system equipment brewhouse with conical fermenter can brew up to 26BBL/year (6000pints) on a three week fermentation cycle in the one fermentor that is included with the 1.5BBL brewhouse system. Add additional 1.5BBL conical fermenters to increase capacity.


Max grain bill: 50kg/110lb
Max. pre-boil volume: 208L/55gal
Beer volume: 120-180L/32-48 gallons 
Gross volume: 1.5BBL 2HL conical fermenter: 240L/63.4USG 
Fermenter dimensions: 145cm/57" height with lid off (75cm/30" outside diameter)
Combined height fermenter and Mash Colander: 226cm/89" combined height
Recommended ceiling height: 332cm/131"; (290cm/114" minimum over brewhouse)
Pressure: 14.9psi in vessel / 7psi in jacket
Mass: 260kg/570lb
Electrical draw: 240/55A or 208V/60A 1Φ; 11kW heaters plus 1hp pump

Nothing is better for business than delicious craft beer. And nothing brews delicious craft beer better than the BREWHA® BIAC® All in One brew system.

The exclusive, patented design is the only brewing system where the entire process (mashing, boiling, and fermenting) occurs in the portable conical fermentor unitank saving you space, time, and money. And with the boil occurring in the fermenter, you achieve perfect heat sanitation without the use of nasty chemicals, ensuring that you are drinking the freshest, best tasting beer possible. 

Brewery capacity can be easily expanded by adding additional 4-in-1 BIAC conical fermentor unitanks from this page. Each additional BREWHA fermenter can be directly brewed in when used with the mashing and heating hardware purchased with a BIAC brewing system, saving time, space and ensuring perfect sanitation for best results.

The BREWHA system comes with highest-quality parts and electrical touchscreen power controllers that are third-party inspected and certified for safety by CSA or ETL/Intertek under Canada's SPE1000 (most jurisdictions throughout Canada and the US recognize this certification, but final approval rests with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction/AHJ; confirm with local authority before purchase).

Note: Volumes listed above in parenthesis are for suggested batch size, gross tank volume is higher; see specifications page for tank and batch size.


Video: Installing the BREWHA BIAC brewery equipment
Video: How to open a brewery (with budget and floor plan)
Benefits of the BIAC beer brewing system
What accessories are included with each BIAC brewing kit?
What else is needed to open my brewery?
BIAC beer brewing system specifications
BREWHA BIAC beer brewing system manual
Read more brewing articles here
Workshop Masterclass: Learn how to brew beer on the BREWHA BIAC

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