BREWHA BIAC Instruction Manual


BIAC user manual


Click here to view and print the .pdf instruction manaul


We are delighted that you have chosen a BREWHA BIAC for your home or microbrewing system! We trust that it will bring you many fun-filled hours of brewing, and of course, many times spent enjoying the fruit of your craft with your friends and customers.

This manual is meant to provide information on installation and setup of your beer brewing equipment, and provide instruction on operation of the equipment and provide an overview of the brewing process and how to make delicious craft beer. There are also a few basic recipes to help you get started.

Click here to view a video on how to install and open a brewery
Click here to view a video on how to brew amazing beer

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Hi Phil, yes, it is possible to carbonate beer directly in the 4-in-1 fermenter. Instructions are available here:

BREWHA Equipment Co

using the Biac (24 gallon system) are we able to carbonate our beer, in the Biac or must it be transferred into kegs??? Please respond with process, if it is possible. Looking for step by step instructions. Thank You Nate…..

Phil Violette/ Rich Lemieux

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