How BREWHA Fermenters Save You Money
When compared to the traditional four vessel brewing system, it is no surprise that the BREWHA system is cheaper to install (approximately 30% less) and that it takes up a smaller footprint. And since there is less equipment, it is apparent that the capital outlay for a BREWHA brewery is also generally lower.
But what might not be as clear in the planning stage, is that the BREWHA system (and BREWHA 4-in-1 and 5-in-1 stainless conical fermenters in particular) continues to save you money year after year through its reduced operational expense. Because of its reduced equipment, less space is required, there are less transfer steps in the brewing process, and less cleaning is required. And because the boiling occurs directly in each fermenter providing perfect, chemical-free sanitation, there is considerably less time, chemical and water use for cleaning. In the chart below, we demonstrate that with a typical BREWHA microbrewery/brewpub with one complete 5BBL 6HL BIAC Brewing System and five additional 5BBL 6HL 4-in-1 conical fermentors (six fermentors total), one would see an annual savings of about US$25,000.
The chart below (click to enlarge) is comparing operating expenses of BREWHA vs traditional brewing system and itemizes some of the more major operational expenses on the brewing side (these don't look at the front-end expenses as it is assumed those would be relatively similar between systems). It compares the lease space (only of the brewing equipment), the labor cost (only for brewing and cleaning brewing equipment), water cost, and cleaning chemical cost.
Click here to enlarge
Benefits of the BIAC complete microbrewery brewing system
BIAC complete pilot and microbrewery system product page
Expand your brewery capacity with these BIAC microbrewery conical fermentors
Part 1 video: 3 Dogs Brewing on how to open a brewery and brew the best beer