Sumptin Like Pliny IPA 11G Large BIAC recipe

(This Sumptin Like Pliny IPA 11G Large BIAC recipe and three others were submitted by BREWHA customer Harold from Chicago, IL.)

Recipe 1


This recipe was originally based on Pliny, but has evolved. It is a great beer! The equipment profile in Beersmith says a medium BIAC, but the old medium is now the large for Brewha. The estimated mash PH in Bru'nWater is 5.46 at room temperature (my actual was 5.3 for a hot PH of about 5.1 which is what I was shooting for).

Put 18.3 gallons of RO water in the BIAC, add salts, heat to 159F and mash in. Just before mashing in, set power controller to 27% and the temperature to 153F. I use a 65 minute boil because I wait for a rolling boil before I start timing.

Pliny IPA recipe

Pliny IPA water sheet


Recipe 2

Although I have not done a side by side comparison of the actual SOS, this is a delicious beer. Edit: Had SOS yesterday when visiting Vermont. You will not be disappointed in this recipe. 
Brewed in a large BIAC.

The equipment profile in Beersmith says medium, but it is actually what Brewha is now calling the Large BIAC.

Sunshine ale recipe


Sunshine ale water profile

Recipe 3 Blind Pig

IPA recipe

Blind Pig IPA recipe water profile

Recipe 4

IPA recipe warthog ale

American IPA recipe water profile

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