How to open a microbrewery Track 3 Microbrewery

Track 3 Microbrewery and Coffee House in Dresher, PA, is a unique concept by Joe and Mike, combining three of their passions—beer, coffee, and rock and roll. In this video they describe how they selected the site to open their microbrewery and coffee house, their marketing concept and implementation, the 7BBL brewing equipment they chose, how they built out their brewery and several other useful tips they learned along the way.

Benefits of the BIAC complete microbrewery system

BIAC complete microbrewery system product page


Expand your brewery capacity with these BIAC microbrewery fermenters

Part 1 video: 3 Dogs Brewing

Part 2 video: Axe and Arrow Microbrewery

Part 3 video: Pixeled Brewing

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